We believe that God has created and is sustaining all that exists. The witness to this belief is found in the Christian Bible. The Bible tells the story of how God entered human history by speaking through the ancient prophets and leaders of the Judeo-Christian faith. Moreover, we believe, as the Bible reveals, that God actually entered human experience in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus reveals to us a God of infinite creation and infinite love. So great is God's love for humanity that "while we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly." (Romans 5:8) God raised up Jesus from the dead in a dramatic reversal of the powers of evil and death. The proclamation of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus invites people to a new life and a new way of living. Those who will respond to the message of Jesus find God's love, forgiveness and new meaning for their lives. The gift of the Holy Spirit empowers Christians to live out the teachings of Jesus with a joyful witness to the truth of this message.